A Proven Sales Process Taught to Over 13500 Sales Professionals


In 2 days your salespeople will learn a simple but effective sales methodology that will get them closing more deals, more often.​

What Will Your Salespeople Learn ?

A predictable path to closing the sale

Your sales reps will know exactly where they are in the selling process at any given moment, and what activities need to happen next

Building rapport and confidence

Salespeople will learn how to establish rapport and build a trusted advisor status with their clients

Understand the different levels of need and create a want

Sales reps will learn the definition of a need and the difference between a need and a want establishing a framework for conducting a professional sales conversation.

How to plan for a sales conversation

Your salespeople will learn the ‘IKEA effect’ and how to utilize this concept in their sales conversations and create a plan to ensure a positive outcome for both parties, i.e. the customer and their firm.

Differentiation of company and solution through a structured presentation

Sales reps will learn to sell their company and solutions with a structured approach.

Overcome objections and proceed to the next stage of the sales process

Sales reps will learn how to reframe an objection and use counterintuitive approaches to overcoming objections.



VAT Included

28, 29 Augutst 2024
(per person price)

Upcoming Open Enrollment Seminars for 2024

21, 22 October 2024

COMMITMENT Selling Seminar Virtual

28, 29 October 2024

COMMITMENT Selling Virtual


COMMITMENT Selling Seminar İstanbul


Day 1 (09.00 – 17.10)

Module 1

COMMITMENT Selling Fundamentals: strategize, plan and execute

Module 2

Setting an objective for a complex sale

Module 3

Starting a sales meeting (building rapport and creating a trusted advisor stature)

Day 2 (09.00 – 17.10)

Module 4

Define a need, better yet create a need

Module 5

Propose a value (what is value?)

Module 6

Forsee objections don’t overcome objections

Module 7


Frequently Asked Questions

This course is designed for both new and seasoned salespeople looking to streamline their sales process and use their time as effectively as possible. For sales teams who have already been trained with COMMITMENT Selling, this seminar is a great opportunity to get newly hired salespeople up to speed. Additionally, the program is a fantastic way for sales leaders and Executives interested in a large-scale training initiative to view the COMMITMENT Selling System in action.

COMMITMENT Selling was developed by Erhan Imamoglu and has been presented to over 3.500 sales professionals over the last decade. The process is simple, making it more likely for salespeople to apply it in the real world. But behind the simplicity is a powerful system that allows salespeople to connect with buyers and guide them effortlessly to the close.

The beauty of COMMITMENT is its flexibility. The 5 stages give sellers a structure that they can adapt and apply to a wide range of products and selling situations. COMMITMENT is buyer-focused, and gives salespeople the skills to sell in the way the buyer wants to buy—regardless of the product or industry.